
     I've been going crazy brainstorming new features I want to add to the site (which no one reads, but it's still fun to add to just in case someone reads it someday lol). 

     I've already implemented one new feature into the site last week, which was "Blind Bookmark Friday" (believe me, I tried to find a word beginning with "f" so it would sound a lot better, but couldn't think of anything that made sense. I had it narrowed down to either "Blind Bookmark Friday" or simply "Favorites Friday", because I couldn't think of a catchy adjective to go in front of "favorites", which is the reason I stuck with the former. I know it sounds ridiculous but hey, gimme a break, I'm not an expert in the catchy titles department! >:( .....)

     This time, in honor of the last few random websites I've come across while site exploring, I have decided to implement another special day into the mix. Readers (that don't exist), say hello to "Seriously? Saturdays".
"Seriously? Saturdays" are now dedicated - in a nutshell - to those usually pointless websites that leave you scratching your head and thinking to yourself... Someone seriously took the time out of their lives to create this site? 

     What you think of these websites is your own opinion. Some of you may find them interesting, some of you will laugh, and some of you will wonder why you didn't think of a website like that first! Everyone has their own opinion. Please remember this is all in good fun and that inclusion of the websites in a "Seriously? Saturday" post is not meant to be insulting or to insinuate anything negative.

     So, with that said, enjoy your future "Seriously? Saturdays" and feel free to comment on how I'm doing, ask a question, or even suggest a website you'd like to see on here!