

     Are you the type of person who can't make up their mind? If you have a hard time answering that question, then Yes No Maybe is for you. Think of it as your personal crystal ball for those tough moments when you need an opinion from an unbiased outside source. 

     The site is as complicated as it sounds. Just type your question into the big white box and click the "Ask" button when you're done. Then, through the miracle of modern technology, your question will be answered in big huge letters across the top of the screen along with its corresponding background color - green for yes, yellow for maybe, and red for no. It really is that simple. 

     Note: If you haven't figured it out already, Yes No Maybe only works with questions that are not open-ended, and can only be answered with yes, no, or maybe.

     Have fun, and don't take any of the answers too seriously! There is no one sitting behind a computer reading and answering all of the questions you ask! At least, I don't think there is..........

Click Here to Ask Away! 


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